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Mitrofanoff Support Australia Donation Page
Mitrofanoff Support Australia Donation Page
Welcome to the Mitrofanoff Support Australia fundraising page!
Every dollar you donate is tax deductable and assists us to provide information and support to people coping with poor bladder and kidney health, and severe incontinence.
Mitrofanoff Support Australia (MSA) provides support and information to people living with chronic bladder dysfunction. The purpose of MSA is to develop educational resources for patients and clinicians, build a postive social network, and develop information resources for schools and rural health service providers. MSA works collaboratively with key government health organisations, hospitals, surgeons, nurses and medical supply companies to bring positive change and support for patients.
MSA is a Not-for-Profit registered Australian Charity and is run by a small team of dedicated volunteers committed to making real change for patients, and their families and carers in Australia.
People living with chronic bladder dysfunction often have serious underlying health problems including:
- Rare congential birth conditions: spina bifida, bladder exstrophy, epispadias, neurogenic bladder
- Paraplegia or spinal cord injury
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cancer of bowel /bladder/ prostrate
- Diabetes
- Inflammatory bladder disease
- Overactive/ Underactive bladders
Did you know?
- Approximately 316,500 people in Australia experience severe incontinence.
- The financial impact of incontinence in Australia in 2010 was an estimated $42.9 billion.
- In 2010 the total productivity loss due to incontinence was $34.1 billion. This was a consquence of lower employment rates amongst those with incontinence (with the impact on employment greatest for those with severe incontinence).
- 21% of the Australian population are impacted by incontinence.
MSA was founded in 2013 by Greg Solomon and his wife Janelle. Janelle and Greg’s daughter was born with the rare condition, Bladder Exstrophy, where her bladder was on the outside of her body at birth. After 9 years of declining kidney function and poor health, their daughter had the Mitrofanoff surgery in Australia in 2012. Visit www.mitrofanoffaustralia.org.au
Thank you for you generous donations!
· Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MitrofanoffSupportAustralia
· Follow us on Twitter via @mitrofanoffaust and using the #united4u.rology
Mitrofanoff Support Australia Limited
Mitrofanoff Support Australia (MSA) supports patients, and their families, living with urological rare diseases through developing clinical educational resources, emotional support and community events.
From birth, children with chronic urological conditions suffer through life threatening infections, months of hospitalisation, invasive tests and major abdominal surgeries. Constant ill health of a child has a devastating long term effect on the whole family. It prevents these children from taking part in many activities other children are able to experience.
Fundraising enables MSA to continue to help urology kids live a happy and healthier life, so they can grow into confident and resilient young adults.
Thank you for your contribution. Your donation will ease the isolation, stress and trauma associated with chronic urological diseases.
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