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500km for 5 years of Uncertainty
500km for 5 years of Uncertainty
My name is Zaki Haidari and I am running 500km to raise funds for RACS!
Eight years ago, I escaped the Taliban and fled Afghanistan in search of safety. I arrived in Australia, alone, speaking little English with no understanding of how to seek protection and no money to pay for a lawyer.
Thankfully, I found RACS who helped me through the very confusing and lengthy process of seeking protection, and I was granted a 5 year temporary protection visa.
Because I arrived in Australia by boat, I am unable to get a permanent protection visa and remain separated from my family, who I miss very much. I don’t know what will happen to me when my visa expires.
I am taking on this challenge of running 500km by 31 Dec 2020 – 100km for each year of my visa - to raise:
•awareness of the challenges facing people like me on temporary protection visas
•funds to support vulnerable people who arrive in Australia desperate to find safety, just like I did
Without RACS' help, I don’t know if I would be here now. And I think of the thousands of others who have also fled danger and will struggle without legal support.
People like my friend Farhad* who escaped endless persecution in Iran*, and arrived in Australia with only a small backpack of belongings. People like my friend Rabia* who arrived with no understanding of her rights.
Please, if you can, make a donation to my fundraising page and help me reach my target of $20,000.
My challenge will start with running 42.2km on 14 November in the ‘virtual’ Canberra Marathon.
Stay updated with how many km I have run by checking in to this page, which my Strava is connected to, and by following RACS on Facebook at @RACSAustralia.
Thank you for your support!
#5YearsofUncertainty #500kmfor5years #Run4RACS
*= details have been changed.
RACS (Refugee Advice and Casework Service Australia)
The Refugee Advice & Casework Service is a strong, independent public voice for the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum.
We achieve justice and dignity for refugees through the provision of effective legal services and advocacy.
People who come to Australia seeking asylum are amongst the most vulnerable who come into contact with Australia’s legal and migration system.
For them, a negative decision on their refugee status could mean they are sent back to danger.
At RACS, we:
- provide critical free legal advice, case management and representation for financially disadvantaged and vulnerable people seeking asylum or family reunion
- represent children without their parents, who are seeking protection in Australia
- make complaints for people about serious violations of their human rights to the Australian and United Nations complaints bodies; and
- advocate for systemic law reform and fight for policy that treats refugees with justice, dignity and respect.
With no federal government funding, we rely on donations, grants and pro bono support to continue our vital work.
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