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Rhia Caple
Rhia Caple
Hi There!
Saturday 14th August I am doing my first Ultra Marathon of 50km from Monarto Zoo to Murray Bridge raising money for Walk with Wings
Having suffered losses myself and knowing many others who have experienced pregnancy loss, still birth, premature and underdeveloped babies this is a cause that is close to my heart.
Walk With Wings, located in the heart of Salisbury North, is a charitable foundation dedicated to helping families with a baby born prematurely and those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.
Thank you so much for your support!
Walk With Wings
Walk With Wings was established to raise awareness for Premature Babies and to offer support and understanding to parents during their journey through Neonatal Intensive care Unit and Special Care Nursery.
Kerry and James Norris formed Walk With Wings after their son Harrison tragically died suddenly in January 2013.
It has since become their mission to educate families of the risks associated with Preterm Labour and supporting families through their journey as Parents of a Premature Baby.
With the support services now provided by Walk With Wings, we are able to educate expecting parents on how they can help reduce the risks of having a baby born prematurely, provide practical support to parents who have a baby born before 37 weeks gestation and gift treasured hand and feet impressions to parents who have delivered their baby to early to small and too sick to stay.
Walk With Wings is able to provide all of their services free of charge to families in their time of need through generous donations from people just like you and with the help of our dedicated team of Volunteers.
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