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Henri Currie
Henri Currie
Like many of you, the Aussie outback has been the backdrop to many of my most treasured and transformative experiences - from family bush walks and school camps in the high country, to cradling some of my best friendships over hikes and trail runs. This November I am making more (potentially much tougher!) outback memories by running the ~160km of the Grampians Peaks Trail over 4 days (https://www.gpt100.com.au/).
Spending most weekends training in the outback (and eating pies from its local bakeries) has been a powerful reminder of its role in our health & communities and what a privilege it is to access nature the way we do in Australia. I am passionate about honouring & protecting this gift for future Australians and have decided to run the Grampians for Bush Heritage Australia.
Bush Heritage Australia is a conservation organization protecting and restoring Australia’s unique landscapes and wildlife. By acquiring and managing significant tracts of land across the country, they work to preserve our outback ecosystems & ensure the survival of native animals. They are grounded in science and culture, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Australia's agriculture sector. Every $30 will help BHA revegetate cleared land back to species-rich bushland.
I am excited to garner your support for Bush Heritage Australia, and have you share this journey to protect our wonderful Aussie outback!
Bush Heritage Australia
Protecting Australia's plants, animals and landscapes.
Bush Heritage is a national conservation charity which protects Australia's native wildlife through a simple formula - we buy or acquire land of outstanding conservation value, and then care for it. Our reserves are managed in a similar way to national parks; the land is legally protected, with the intention of safeguarding it forever.
Today, over 34% of all Australia's mammals, as well as 55% of its birds - including many rare and threatened species - are protected on Bush Heritage's reserves and partnership properties, which safeguard millions of hectares of ecologically important land nationwide.
Find out more at www.bushheritage.org.au
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