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Hannah More- Running A Marathon for Indigenous Foster Kids
Hannah More- Running A Marathon for Indigenous Foster Kids
Being a foster parent isn't easy but it has been one of the most rewarding opportunities that has come into my life.
My heart goes out to all the children in out of home care, in NSW alone there are over 20,000 children in out of home care and 1/3 are Indigenous, those statistics make my stomach hurt considering that the Aboriginal population make up less than 3% of all Australians.
My experience with fostering is positive, I gained a son, a beautiful soul and human being, (love you Sio). For most of these children their story isn't as heart warming as ours, most of these innocent kids have experienced trauma and abuse, they really need us.
I feel like its my turn to give back and Im asking for your help.
On November 5th 2017 I will be running the NY marathon (42kms) I have never run this far before! I am training when ever I can whilst raising 4 children on my own and working full time. This will be the most physically challenging task I have ever experienced, but nothing compared to what these kids go through.
I'm making a difference and running for a cause that's close to my heart. I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.
If I can run a marathon you can help to!
Thank you so much for your Love and Support...
KARI is one of the largest Aboriginal foster care providers in Australia. In addition to foster care, KARI runs a range of community capacity building programs focusing on education and early intervention. KARI focuses on the positive, and has a firm mission to create opportunities for Aboriginal peope to flourish and excel.
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