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Belinda Jacobson

Belinda Jacobson

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Belinda Jacobson


Hi there!

I'm making a difference and running for a cause that's close to my heart.  My Mum was recently diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and there is so much we still don’t know about this awful disease that affects cis women. Help me raise funds so they can keep working on finding a reliable early screening test for ovarian cancer.

 I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

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Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation

Every eight hours, one woman dies from ovarian cancer in Australia. The key to changing this statistic is early detection.
Ovarian cancer is an insidious disease, often known as a “silent-killer” as symptoms are vague and often strike without warning. Unlike many other cancers there is no early detection test.  Consequently ovarian cancer is often diagnosed in its late stages and only 29% of these women will survive beyond five years of diagnosis. In comparison, survival rates increase to 90% when ovarian cancer is detected and treated early.
The Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation is Australia’s pre-eminent ovarian cancer research body. Our goal is to raise ovarian cancer awareness and vital funds for the development of an early detection test that will save women’s lives.
We receive no government funding and rely on the support of our community and business supporters to assist in driving our research forward.
Together we can raise awareness of ovarian cancer in Australian communities and the importance of developing a detection test that identifies the level of ovarian cancer in a patient and its extent of advancement. A test that can greatly improve long-term survival rates of Australian women.

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